Vito Corleone

Vito Corleone
The Shoulder

The Corleone Boys (or Men?)

The Corleone Boys (or Men?)
Michael Corleone, Don Corleone, Santino Corleone, Fredo Corleone

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Geneva Exam Week: Just so we dont forget...

The Golden Spruce and The Godfather Part I appear to be two complete worlds appart. As explained to us by Mr.McGuigan, there actually is a connection between the two works. It is kind of random and really out there, but the connection that was posed to us at the beginning of the Godfather unit was all about Kay.
What is her real presence, who is she really? At first, this was kind of random and spuratic, but it made sense in the fact that we really had to work our 'compare one thing to another and seem if its the same' sort of skills. Kind of like a giant simlie for a movie. So anyways, we figured out a lot of things about Kay and her 'mysical side' as the Scarlet Woman. But in the end, the real answer to the question was Greek--not even Roman!
Kay or Kate=Derived from the name Hecate. Hecate was the god of Hell's gate. The Hecate Strait is the name of a chapter in The Golden Spruce. Grant Hadwin experiences a part of his interesting/mysterious/insane life in this region (well, based on what we are told by John Vaillant).
Hopefully other classes will get this connection faster than we did! :)
